Remove Dis-Tractions to gain Traction — Letters from a Luddite

Here is my question…

Do you really love the Internet that much?

Who or what do you love most?

Are your loves online?

Lesson learned: You must remove sources of dis-traction to gain traction towards what really matters. Lean into what you love.


Letters from a Luddite, Revisited: What I learned from 31 Days Off-line

In 2012, I disabled the data on my iPhone, turned off my e-mail, and said goodbye to the Internet for 31 days. I chronicled the journey with a letter a day, complete with news clippings, quotes and thoughts on technology. Each letter was hand- or type-written, mailed, then scanned and posted by my friend, Vancouver-based midwife Marisa Ducklow, creating a conversation between friends and open to the world at large. This experiment led to the writing of my first book, The Joy of Missing Out.

In this blog series, I am revisiting the original letters and offering reflections on ten years of pioneering work in digital well-being.

#lettersfromaluddite #JOMO #digitalwellbeing


Christina Crook

Seeker, speaker, author, founder at JOMO.

Lesson #1 — Letters from a Luddite


JOMO x Virginia Tech