Digital Declutter Back-to-School Edition: Sept 7

Dear Joy Seeker,

We can agree that you wouldn't live well in a house like this...

So, what makes you think you can perform well - academically or professionally - in a digital environment like this?

On September 7th, I am hosting my next FREE Digital House-Cleaning event, where we'll collectively declutter our phones, computers, email inboxes, and social media accounts to kick off the fall successfully.

Join the link below.

Our devices are part of our lives- and just like our homes, vehicles, and our bodies themselves, our devices form part of our everyday emotional and practical environment- they have tremendous power to affect the way we feel about ourselves and our lives - and the ways we work and create. 

Like all those other things, living joyfully means performing the necessary maintenance to keep our relationship with our devices healthy. We clean up, repair, tidy, and organize the things we rely on daily.

Intentionality is one of the key principles of living joyfully. The sheer volume of information you’re expected to process on a daily basis makes it difficult to focus on what matters. Regularly declutter your phone, computer, email, and social media accounts to control digital consumption. I call this digital house cleaning.

Join me for our next FREE digital house-cleaning party on Zoom Thursday, September 7, from 12 noon - 1 PM ET.

Download the Free JOMO Digital House-Cleaning Guide to prepare for this live training.

Join link: (passcode: JOMO)

Christina Crook

Seeker, speaker, author, founder at JOMO.

Trade the false promises of Big Tech for lasting joy


Digitally-Well Universities